Factors affecting car springs
Date:2019-07-09 Author: click:
Factors affecting car springs
There are many factors that affect the car spring. After buying, many customers do not understand the factors that affect the car spring. So today, Xiaobian will solve this problem for you, and I hope it can help you.
Factors affecting the life of automobile spring:
1. Carbon spring steel is rarely used in automobiles because of its low hardenability. Manganese steel has good hardenability, but it is easy to produce quenching crack and temper brittleness. Therefore, silicon manganese steel is widely used in our country.
2. Raw material defects ① impurities greatly reduce the fatigue strength of automobile plate spring, ② banded structure seriously reduces the mechanical properties of steel.
3. The fatigue strength of automobile plate springs can be reduced by the decarbonization of the defect surface of heat treatment, quenching underheat tissue and feathery tissue.
4. Shot peening quality shot peening not only makes the surface of the spring produce a strengthening layer, but also can remove the spring surface tiny defects and decarbonization phenomenon, reduce stress concentration, etc. The difference of shot peening quality is also one of the reasons for the difference of service life of leaf springs.
5. The service life of leaf springs of vehicles with cautious horizontal drivers is much longer than that of those with bad road conditions, serious overloading and rough driving. Plate spring according to the shape of the classification: ① oval plate spring ② half oval plate spring ③ quarter oval plate spring ④ piece spring.
Elliptic plate spring, semi-elliptic plate spring and quarter-elliptic plate spring are all combined plate springs, which have high cushioning and damping performance depending on the friction between plate and plate. They are widely used in the suspension system of automobile, tractor and railway vehicle. Sheet spring is a single sheet spring steel, most used in mechanical equipment and instruments to press the working parts.
Website of this article:http://en.szchengfa.com/news/410.html
key word:医疗弹簧
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