Inclined ring spring contact seal characteristics

  Inclined ring spring contact sealing characteristics, let Duchenne Chengfa precision spring to tell you about it

  Inclined coil spring: Mechanical seal is a safe and reliable seal form, widely used in fluid seal. In the sealing process, it will not directly contact with the shaft to cause wear, so you can get better sealing effect, reduce leakage, improve the safety and reliability of the machine.

  The mechanical seal structure of inclined ring spring is to use the inclined ring spring as the elastic compensation element of mechanical seal. The inclined ring spring has the characteristics of large elastic deformation and small elastic change, which makes the mechanical seal obtain better sealing effect.

  In some special occasions, such as high temperature, pressure, high speed and other mechanical seal conditions, the performance of ordinary cylindrical compression inclined ring spring mechanical seal is difficult to meet the requirements. In order to meet the needs of modern mass production, a kind of axial end contact mechanical seal spring, namely inclined ring, is produced

  Spring, also known as finger contact spring and finger contact spring. The main feature of the inclined coil spring is to use the annular inclined coil spring with axial pressure as the compensation element, instead of the traditional spring push type mechanical seal. During compression, each coil in the inclined coil spring acts in parallel,

  It compresses axially and produces a rotating motion around the circumference. The mechanical seal of this structure relies on the elastic force provided by the inclined ring spring to push the axial slide of the moving ring, to compensate the axial position deviation caused by wear, and to cushion the vibration and pressure changes under complex working conditions. Thus maintaining the seal pair

  The balance of axial force between the sealing friction pair forms a better and more stable sealing film, and achieves dynamic sealing under the excitation of the sealing film itself.

  According to the different structural characteristics of the inclined coil spring, the swash plate spring can be divided into radial type and axial type. The compression force of the radial inclined coil spring is perpendicular to the center line (along the radius of the circle). This spring is mainly used for connectors. Axially inclined coil springs are parallel to the center line (along the circumference)

  Compression force, generally used as a seal.

Inclined coil spring

