What is the structure of guide wire spring

  Guide wire spring is what structure, let Du Shi Cheng hair precision spring to tell you about it

  Guide wire spring is one of the main tools of percutaneous intubation. The guide wire guides the supporting catheter, helps the catheter to enter the space such as blood vessels, and guides the catheter to reach the lesion site smoothly. In catheterization, it's just as important as the catheter.

  First, the structure of the guide wire

  The guide wire consists of two parts inside and outside, and the outer layer is made of high quality stainless steel wire wound on the spring spinning bed. Steel wire requirements smooth, tough, elastic, winding must be compacted evenly, orderly, consistent compaction. The spring should be able to withstand repeated bending under a certain force without breaking. The cavity in the center of the spring is the inside of the guide wire, which is equipped with a hard core, and the front end of the core is gradually tapered. The tip of the very fine wire core is welded together with the end of the spring, and then the end of the wire core is welded together with the end of the spring, and polished smooth, that is to become the simplest guide wire.

  The so-called spring center of the steel core is a few centimeters on the back of the spring, not welded with the spring, making the front of the spring more soft. There is also a safety wire less than 0.1mm in diameter, parallel to the conductor core, and its end is welded with the spring to ensure that the spring will not be broken and lost in the blood vessel. Guide wire is divided into two kinds: one is a fixed core, the core is welded at the end of the spring; The other is a removable magnetic core with one end welded to a handle. It can be moved back and forth to change the hardness and shape of the front end of the guide wire. Some catheters are coated with an extremely thin film of teflon, which is meant to make them smoother and reduce the coefficient of friction with the catheters. The sheathing of high quality guides is treated with heparin, which has the ability to prevent blood clotting in addition to having less friction.

Guide wire spring
