How can shock absorber car spring be used for a long time?


The shock absorber can buffer the movement of the center of gravity height of the moving vehicle to the maximum extent, save energy, reduce wind resistance, reduce the impact of the change of the center of gravity of the vehicle on the tire, reduce the impact, reduce the resistance is of great significance.

The impact of shock absorber spring damage on the car:

1. The shock absorber is leaking oil

When the vehicle is running, the shock absorption effect will be greatly reduced, until the hydraulic oil leakage, the vehicle will have no shock absorption, unilateral shock absorption oil leakage will make the car side high side low, resulting in running off fault.

2. The top shock absorber is aging and falling off

After the vehicle is aging and falls off, when the vehicle is rocking up and down, the shock absorber will directly contact other components, making abnormal sounds, and may further damage other components.

3, the shock absorber spring fatigue softening

The stretching capacity of the car spring decreases, when the car sinks, the damping car spring cannot give the vehicle a greater response to the sinking speed will be faster than normal, the role of the damping, the buffer will fall, because the damping spring is the body is not completely slowly sinking, by the hydraulic shock absorber will soon increase, resulting in the shock absorber oil leakage.

