Contact seal characteristics of inclined ring spring

Mechanical seal is a kind of safe and reliable seal which is widely used in fluid seal. In the process of sealing and rotary shaft does not directly touch wear, so you can get a better sealing effect, reduce leakage, improve the safety and reliability of the machine. The mechanical seal structure of the inclined ring spring is to choose the inclined ring spring as the elastic compensation element of the mechanical seal. The elastic deformation of the inclined ring spring is large and the elastic change is small so that the mechanical seal can obtain a better sealing effect.

In some special occasions, such as high temperature, high pressure, high speed and other mechanical seal working conditions, the use of ordinary cylindrical compression coil spring mechanical seal performance is difficult to meet the requirements. In order to meet the needs of modern large-scale production, an axial end touch type mechanical seal spring has occurred, which is the inclined coil spring, also known as the spring contact, contact spring. The main feature of inclined coil spring is to choose the axially compressed ring inclined coil spring as the compensation element instead of the traditional spring push type mechanical seal. In the process of tightening, each coil in the ring spring is in parallel, tightening in the axis direction and rotating along the circumferential direction. The mechanical seal of this structure relies on the elastic force supplied by the inclined ring spring to push off the axial sliding of the static ring, compensate the axial bearing error caused by wear, and also buffer the vibration and pressure changes under chaotic working conditions. Thus, the balance of axial force between the sealing pair is maintained, which can make the sealing friction pair form a better stable sealing film, and achieve dynamic sealing under the pressure of the sealing film itself.

Structural characteristics of inclined coil spring:

The coil size of the inclined coil spring is small, the number is larger, its flow ability and technical economy is higher. Under the condition of large spare error, the inclined coil spring can still maintain a stable force, which can reduce the deformation of the spring, and can compensate the influence of surface roughness and combined service to a MAX degree. In addition, the inclined coil spring can accept a certain amount of compression deformation, so that it can operate normally under the severe working environment such as sensation and shock.

Oblique ring spring
