How to test the pressure of stainless steel spring

Stainless steel spring

How to test the pressure of stainless steel spring

For a good spring manufacturer, the product must be elastic, strong and durable. In order to test whether a good product is a good product, first test the pressure of the stainless steel spring. So, what are the usual testing tools, and what are the testing procedures?

Spring applications also takes into account the spring pressure performance, the pressure of the spring factory testing machine generally adopt electronic digital display spring pressure testing machine, it is to test the spring tension and compression deformation characteristics and the characteristics of the relationship between the special instrument, suitable for a certain length under tensile and compression spring work load test, can also be used for rubber, reed elastic cycle of elastic load test, etc. Next, let's talk about the steps of stainless steel spring pressure test:

1. Before the formal test of the stainless steel spring, the spring for a compression of the test load, when the test pressure is larger, the pressure and load can be used as the test load, but the maximum pressure and load shall not exceed 1.5 times of the fixed pressure and load.

2. Preparation before the load test: calibrate the load testing machine with the corresponding three-level standard dynamometer, or calibrate the weight with more than one precision to ensure the accuracy of the testing machine is not less than 1%; At the same time, the length reading error of load testing machine was measured by dose block.

3. The stainless steel spring pressure to specify the height of the load test: will be the same as the prescribed height of highly placed in the center of the pressure plate, loading is similar to nominal value of measuring block pattern of the load, then the locking screw positioning or position, will measure in the spring under test, adjust the zero position, remove the spring self-respect, the spring pressure to a specified height, read the corresponding load. Finally, according to the calibrated error of load testing machine, the measuring block is placed in the measured spring, the zero position is adjusted, the spring weight is eliminated, the spring is pressed to the specified height, and the corresponding load is read out. Finally, according to the error of the calibrated load testing machine, the corresponding modification is carried out.

4 pressure spring just rising position, record the predicted value of the load testing machine F0≤0.05F, record the initial reading F0 and the length of the load test, and then continue to load, so that the length of the predicted reading value to reach the specified deformation.
