Stainless steel spring cleaning has a good idea

Stainless steel spring

Stainless steel spring cleaning has a good idea

Although the method of cleaning stainless steel spring is not much, but also should be selected according to the surface state of the stainless steel spring cleaning method.

When cleaning, be careful of the surface of the spring, try not to scratch the surface, so as to avoid the detergent, steel ball, grinding tools and other damage to the stainless steel spring. After cleaning the stainless steel spring, the surface must be cleaned with clean water to remove the washing liquid. If there is dust and other easily removed stains on the surface of the stainless steel spring, it is recommended to wash with soap or warm water;

Stainless steel spring surface labels and films need to be scrubbed with warm water and weak cleaner;

If the stainless steel spring surface is adhesive or contains ingredients: clean with alcohol or organic solution;

If the surface of the stainless steel spring is contaminated by fat, oil and lubricating oil, it is recommended to dry it with a soft cloth or paper and clean it with neutral detergent or special detergent.
