Car springs tell you why they break abnormally

Auto spring

Car springs tell you why they break abnormally

Analysis of abnormal spring fracture of spring machine

Spring is one of the important basic components of mechanical products, according to the spiral spring, plate spring, disk spring, plane (piece of) the shape of a worm spring etc, it can be divided into the spiral spring, plate spring, disk spring, plane (film) and worm helical spring, etc, according to the bearing characteristics can be divided into compression springs, tension springs, torsion springs, etc.

The principal stress of spring is bending stress, torsional stress, tensile stress and compound stress.

The main fracture modes of spring are fracture, deformation, relaxation and wear, among which the most important ones are fracture and deformation (relaxation).

1. Brittle fracture: most spring fractures belong to brittle fracture, and plastic fracture can occur only when the working temperature is high. Fatigue fracture, stress corrosion fracture and hydrogen embrittlement fracture are called brittle fracture in engineering.

2. Fatigue fracture: spring fracture under cyclic load.

3. Stress corrosion fracture: Spring fracture is caused by tensile stress and corrosive media.

4. Corrosion fatigue fracture: spring fracture under cyclic load and corrosive medium.

5. Hydrogen embrittlement, cadmium embrittlement, black embrittlement: brittle fracture caused by excessive impurity content in the spring material.

6. Wear and tear: Wear is divided into abrasive wear, fatigue wear and corrosion wear and fracture.
